Dry Heaves In The Morning Cause Does Anyone Know What Would Cause Vomitting The Morning After (but Not The Night Of) Drinking 1-2 Vodka Drinks

Does anyone know what would cause vomitting the morning after (but not the night of) drinking 1-2 Vodka drinks - dry heaves in the morning cause

On three occasions in the last 5 weeks I had 1-2 glasses of vodka in one night and felt very good, but in the morning when I wake up, I feel absolutely terrible, and to stop vomiting (unless it 'is more such as arcades). Who knows, comes like that? I drink at least 8 beer in one night and feel good, but for some reason in the last 3 times I had vodka, what happened. I've never had this problem before, and now it has happened with 2 different bottles of 2 different varieties of vodka, so I do not think it was dirty, nothing. This has started happening after I could on birth control, this could partly be the reason?


That one is Me! said...

hahaha, like the hung over ..... Alcohol can give ülser if you eat too much of him

STFU Dude said...

You can interact with your doctor about birth control question, but may be simply that you do not agree with vodka. Another possibility is that we are stronger than observed mixed drinks or if you take a couple of drinks in the value of a piece.

Can you tolerate other spirits like whiskey?

Bright18... said...

What happened a few times, and eat quite frankly, a little or in combination with sugar (such as cookies, brownies, Gatorade), with a hearty meal and a nap is not better. I do not know why and how they can help, but I know it was for my best friend and I were at school!

Bright18... said...

What happened a few times, and eat quite frankly, a little or in combination with sugar (such as cookies, brownies, Gatorade), with a hearty meal and a nap is not better. I do not know why and how they can help, but I know it was for my best friend and I were at school!

5Hole said...

This could be food poisoning. Perhaps your body is not like it.

Chrissy said...

Its called a hangover!
And of course, is not the strongest ur vodka!

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